
We are a social care provider building healthy, harmonious, and happy environments for carers and the people we support. We pride ourselves on delivering genuine, quality care.

Our mission is to pave the way for synergistic social care. Synergistic social care advocates the health and well-being of our staff and service users.

We understand deep relationships, connections, and community should be a shared experience; therefore, we believe the quality of care we provide follows suit from the support and nurture we offer our staff.

We acknowledge the ongoing challenges within the social care sector and proactively seek to address them internally and externally by associating with leading organisations constantly challenging our current government.

We’re on a mission to unite people in the name of care. To be a good carer, you simply need to be an individual! We firmly believe extraordinary magic comes with a positive, diverse, well-engaged workforce.

The path to health, harmony and happiness begins with you...

Walk our path with us. 

Join us on our mission to demonstrate the power of synergistic social care. Inspire others to build, connect, learn, and care. Help share the notion that caring can be a fun and highly skilled profession!

Leave your contact details and
we’ll get right back to you!


The future of care starts with you. We at 3 Trees understand how important it is to build an environment in which you can experience personal growth, and, as a result, help others to flourish.  

What are you waiting for? Walk our path with us to build a community that promotes high quality care through positive connections.  

Be the change that you wish to see in this world.

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A letter with news

A newsletter!

Curious to find out more but don’t want to leave your phone number yet? No worries. Why not subscribe to our newsletter instead and keep up to date with how we are living up to our mission and goals…

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Our next induction begins in....

We want to train you to be the best you can be – don’t miss your chance to join our next 2-week, 5-star, fabulous induction before time runs out! There are limited places so get in touch with us now before the countdown resets.


“3 Trees provided excellent training.
Family feel with staff morale with a strong support structure.”

“Everyone is proud to work here or at least thinks what they do is worthwhile. The induction is well organised and there is a community feel in the company.”

“This is a company that seems to genuinely care about its service users and employees. The service users are given a high quality service and the employees are given a solid 2 weeks of training followed by shadow shifts, which is a great deal more than other companies I have come across.”

“The company seems to be more of a ‘family’, everyone speaks highly of each other and the team work ethic is apparent from
the start.”

“Everyone has been lovely, people have welcomed me back and have already made me feel part of the team. I already know I’m going to get on well with everyone and the training provided has been excellent.”

“Friendly, helpful and kind. I immediately felt like this is a place I would like to work.”

...we aspire to offer the best care that we possibly can

As a social care company, we provide highly trained care workers who are driven to support people to achieve independence and lead rich and varied lives.

We appreciate that those we support truly value living in their own home and provide support to ensure that they can continue to do so as long as they wish.

We feel passionately about inclusivity and recognise the importance of facilitating those we support with full access to the communities which they live in.

Support our cause

Follow us on social media and send us a video of your best moments working in social care. See what others have to say…


Poetry in DEVOTION

Our values epitomise everything that we do, they characterise who we are and what we’re about

Our values have been defined by our employees and guide us to improve not only our own lives, but also the lives of others around us. When we take the time to observe our values in action, we see a team that works for a common cause and is devoted to high quality care practices. 

When we take a step back and witness our values in action, we see poetry in….


Common questions about social care

What is defined as social care?

Social care is not the same as social services. The definition of social care is the provision of support services to people with physical disabilities or illnesses, learning disabilities, or mental illness. This support allows people to live as comfortably and independently as possible through a combination of physical assistance and activities, personal care and grooming, and social work.

What is an example of a social care setting?

Social care includes services such as Supported Living, home care, nursing homes, foster caring, and nurseries amongst others. At 3 Trees Care & Support, we predominately provide 24/7 services to people living within their own homes.

What does social care cover?

Social care is a catch-all term for different kinds of support services, and the type of social care a person receives will depend on their eligibility of needs as underlined in the Care Act 2014. This can be in the form of access to specialist equipment and therapies or full-time residential care, but in many cases, it also means providing services to people who need support to live in their own homes. Our goal is to enable those who need care to live as independent as possible whilst receiving customised supported living services tailored to their unique needs.

How is social care paid for?

Social care can be privately funded or paid for by local authority and/or the NHS. Channels of funding will be determined by a local authority financial assessment.