
We are keen to remain innovative and at 3 Trees we embrace innovation and use simple but game changing tools to make the life of our employees easier

We want to embrace technology

With the advancements being made in science and technology, imagine the possibilities when it comes to improving the lives of ourselves and others.

And that’s what we at 3 Trees are aiming to do. Whether you are a staff member or client, we want to improve your life in any way that we can, so that you are better equipped to better the lives of others. 

By keeping a close eye on the technologies that are so quickly becoming available and questioning how they can be implemented to better the lives of all those who are affiliated with 3 Trees, we increase our chances of reaching our company vision. 

However, as much as we like to embrace technology and are excited about its advancements, we strive to maintain a hands-on approach to care, never forgetting that true care relies on deep, personal connection and relationships – something that technology will (at least for now) never be able to replicate.

Microsoft 365

In the digital age where information and connection can be made almost anywhere at anytime, we at 3 Trees want to make the most of the latest technologies where possible.

And by using Microsoft 365 we are able to achieve this. Whether you belong to the android fan club or the IOS crew. It doesn’t really matter, as we ensure that whatever software you use, we’ll deliver it to you and your devices. 

We are always looking to improve your experience at 3 Trees so that we can better deliver the care we provide others. And in this regard, we have big plans for how we can improve your work experience and provide additional benefits via the technologies we use.

Social Media

Are you a lover or a hater of social media? For most of us, our relationship with it sits somewhere in between.

At 3 Trees we embrace social media and use it to spread our vision, goals, intentions, love positivity, career opportunities and much more! For an SME company, we are proud of the content, followers, and reviews that our social media has attained and seek to continue developing higher standards of content so that we can spread our message far and wide. 

We want people to know that social care work is more skilled now than it has ever been and that you can have a meaningful, rewarding career whilst flourishing in your personal life. Our social media channels helps us to impart this.

If you haven’t yet followed or subscribed to our social media channels, click on some of the links below to join us!

Social care requires social people